/shared/accounts/c/climaloc/climalocsolutions.com/climalocsolutions.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/inetzwpreporter/inetzwpreporter.php Climaloc® Air Conditioner Covers & Seals | Weatherproofing


Climaloc® offers an assortment of Air Conditioner Covers & Seals to meet your every need. Our Air Conditioner Covers are easy to install and are designed to protect your AC unit from ice, dust and drafts during the winter. They are also moisture and rot resistant. Our Air Conditioner Weatherseal solutions are perfect for sealing out cold air in the winter and hot air in the summer. They easily compress to seal uneven surfaces and various gap sizes, reduce vibrations and noise, and also provide an insect barrier. Protect your AC unit for years to come with a Climaloc® solution!

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